
Goals For Growth


Grow Emotionally to:

·       Develop a positive self-concept

·       Be free to take risks and be comfortable with mistakes

·       Develop a sense of security and trust

·       Show independence and responsibility

·       Channel emotions into age-appropriate and acceptable behaviors


Grow Socially to:

·       Learn to play, work, and communicate with peers and adults

·       Adjust to group situations

·       Accept others

·       Develop a sense of community

·       Accept changes in environment and routines


Grow Physically to:

· Develop gross and fine motor coordination

· Develop eye-hand and eye-foot coordination

· Become aware of his/her own body


Grow Intellectually to:

·       Develop his/her attention span

·       Complete tasks

·       Initiate his/her own activities

·       Continue to develop language use and understanding

·       Develop thinking and problem solving skills

·       Develop math skills


Grow Creatively to:

·       View self and others as unique individuals 

·       Express ideas in his/her own way

·       Be artistically creative using a variety of media